- The Idea of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Formal Tests for Convergence
- The Idea of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Convergence and Coverage
- Intro to Gibbs Sampling
- A gibbs sampler with lots of autocorrelation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
bayes risk
- Classification Risk
- Utility or Risk - Back to optimization
bayes theorem
- Bayesian Statistics
- Sampling with $\sigma$
- Bayesian Regression
- Formal Tests for Convergence
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
- Hierarchical Models
- Identifiability
- Levels of Bayesian Analysis
- The normal model
- The normal model with pymc
- Priors
- From the normal model to regression
- Regression with custom priors
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
- Imputation and Convergence
- Unidentifiability, the ridge, and the lasso
bayesian p-values
bayesian updating
- Bayesian Regression
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
bayesian workflow
- Bayesian Workflow in the 0-inflated model
bernoulli distribution
- Distributions example - elections
- Distributions
- Gibbs with conditional a conjugate
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
- Hierarchical Models
- Gibbs with conditional a conjugate
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
- Hierarchical Models
bias-variance tradeoff
- Entropy
- Distributions example - elections
- Gibbs with conditional a conjugate
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
- Hierarchical Models
binomial regression
- Lab 7 - Bayesian inference with PyMC3.
- Lab 7 - Bayesian inference with PyMC3.
boltzmann distribution
- From Annealing To Metropolis
- Simulated Annealing
box loop
- Calculus for optimization
canonical distribution
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
central limit theorem
- Sampling and the Central Limit Theorem
- Distributions example - elections
- Monte Carlo Integrals
classical mechanics
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
combinatoric optimization
complexity parameter
- Regularization
- Learning bounds and the Test set
- Why do we need validation?
conjugate prior
- Bayesian Regression
- Gibbs with conditional a conjugate
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
- The normal model
- The normal model with pymc
- Priors
- From the normal model to regression
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
- Convexity and Jensen's Inequality
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Correlations
- Inference for GPs
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
counterfactual plot
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Correlations
- Inference for GPs
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
- Divergence and Deviance
curse of dimensionality
- From Annealing To Metropolis
data augmentation
- Data Augmentation
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Slice Sampling
decision risk
- Classification Risk
- Utility or Risk - Back to optimization
decision theory
- Classification Risk
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
- Utility or Risk - Back to optimization
detailed balance
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Markov Chains and MCMC
- From Annealing To Metropolis
- Metropolis-Hastings
deterministic error
discrete sampling
- Sampling from a discrete distribution
- Metropolis-Hastings
discriminative models
- Machine learning- ERM and Bayesian
- Expectations and the Law of Large Numbers
- Gelman Schools and Hierarchical Pathology
- Gelman Schools Theory for Topics about Restaurants
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
effective sample size
- A gibbs sampler with lots of autocorrelation
- Distributions example - elections
empirical bayes
empirical distribution
- Distributions example - elections
empirical risk minimization
- Machine learning- ERM and Bayesian
- Learning a model
- Noisy Learning
- Learning bounds and the Test set
- Why do we need validation?
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- The Idea of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Simulated Annealing
- From Annealing To Metropolis
estimation risk
- Utility or Risk - Back to optimization
- Hierarchical Models
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
- Expectations and the Law of Large Numbers
- Basic Monte Carlo
- Importance Sampling
exponential distribution
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
exponential family
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
- Formal Tests for Convergence
- Imputation and Convergence
frequentist statistics
full-data likelihood
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
gaussian mixture model
- Variational Inference
- Gaussian Mixture Model with ADVI
- Marginalizing over Discretes
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- Mixture Models, and types of learning
gaussian process
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Inference for GPs
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
- Lab 7 - Bayesian inference with PyMC3.
generative model
- Machine learning- ERM and Bayesian
- Mixture Models, and types of learning
- Lab 7 - Bayesian inference with PyMC3.
gibbs sampler
- Data Augmentation
- Gibbs with conditional a conjugate
- Gibbs from Metropolis-Hastings
- Intro to Gibbs Sampling
- A gibbs sampler with lots of autocorrelation
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Generalized Linear Models
- Poisson and 0-inflated
- Bayesian Workflow in the 0-inflated model
- Prosocial Chimps
global minimum
gradient descent
hamiltonian monte carlo
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Lab 7 - Bayesian inference with PyMC3.
- Gelman Schools and Hierarchical Pathology
- Gelman Schools Theory for Topics about Restaurants
- Hierarchical Models
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
hierarchical normal-normal model
- Gelman Schools and Hierarchical Pathology
- Gelman Schools Theory for Topics about Restaurants
hoeffding's inequality
- Learning bounds and the Test set
- Why do we need validation?
hypothesis space
- Identifiability
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- Unidentifiability, the ridge, and the lasso
importance sampling
- Imputation and Convergence
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Inference for GPs
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Markov Chains and MCMC
- From Annealing To Metropolis
jeffreys prior
jensen's inequality
- Divergence and Deviance
- Convexity and Jensen's Inequality
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Inference for GPs
kernel trick
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
kernelized regression
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
kidney cancer
- Regularization
- Unidentifiability, the ridge, and the lasso
latent variables
- The EM algorithm
- Variational Inference
- Mixture Models, and types of learning
law of large numbers
- Expectations and the Law of Large Numbers
- Basic Monte Carlo
- Monte Carlo Integrals
- Learning a model
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Divergence and Deviance
- Divergence and Deviance
linear regression
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Gradient Descent and SGD
- Regularization
- Generalized Linear Models
- Poisson and 0-inflated
- Bayesian Workflow in the 0-inflated model
lkj prior
log-sum-exp trick
- Marginalizing over Discretes
logistic regression
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Lab 3 - Pytorch
loss function
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
- Expectations and the Law of Large Numbers
- Basic Monte Carlo
- Monte Carlo Integrals
machine learning
- Machine learning- ERM and Bayesian
- Bayesian Statistics
- Sampling with $\sigma$
- Unidentifiability, the ridge, and the lasso
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Distributions
- Gaussian Mixture Model with ADVI
- Inference for GPs
- Probability
marginal energy distribution
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
marginalizing over discretes
- Gaussian Mixture Model with ADVI
- Marginalizing over Discretes
markov chain
maximum likelihood
- The EM algorithm
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Frequentist Stats
- Wrongly combining rejection with sampling
- Bayesian Statistics
- Sampling with $\sigma$
- Convergence and Coverage
- Data Augmentation
- Sampling from a discrete distribution
- Gibbs with conditional a conjugate
- Gibbs from Metropolis-Hastings
- Identifiability
- Intro to Gibbs Sampling
- Simulated Annealing
- Markov Chains and MCMC
- Metropolis-Hastings
- Priors
- Regression with custom priors
- Slice Sampling
- Imputation and Convergence
- A gibbs sampler with lots of autocorrelation
- Unidentifiability, the ridge, and the lasso
mcmc engineering
- Formal Tests for Convergence
- The normal model with pymc
- From the normal model to regression
- Imputation and Convergence
mean-field approximation
mercer's theorem
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Wrongly combining rejection with sampling
- Convergence and Coverage
- Sampling from a discrete distribution
- Gibbs from Metropolis-Hastings
- Markov Chains and MCMC
- From Annealing To Metropolis
- Metropolis-Hastings
- Priors
- Wrongly combining rejection with sampling
- Convergence and Coverage
- Gibbs from Metropolis-Hastings
- Simulated Annealing
- Markov Chains and MCMC
- Metropolis-Hastings
microcanonical distribution
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
minibatch sgd
mixture model
- The EM algorithm
- Variational Inference
- Gaussian Mixture Model with ADVI
- Marginalizing over Discretes
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- Poisson and 0-inflated
- Bayesian Workflow in the 0-inflated model
- Mixture Models, and types of learning
- MLP as universal approximator
model averaging
- Model Comparison continued
- Model Comparison
- Prosocial Chimps
- Utility or Risk - Back to optimization
model checking
model comparison
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Model Comparison continued
- Model Comparison
multiple varying intercept
multivariate normal
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Correlations
- Inference for GPs
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
neural network
- MLP as universal approximator
non-centered hierarchical model
- Gelman Schools and Hierarchical Pathology
- Gelman Schools Theory for Topics about Restaurants
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
normal distribution
- The EM algorithm
- Entropy
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Sampling and the Central Limit Theorem
- Variational Inference
- Distributions example - elections
- Gaussian Mixture Model with ADVI
- Inference for GPs
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
- The Inverse Transform
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- Monte Carlo Integrals
normal-normal model
- Bayesian Statistics
- Sampling with $\sigma$
- Bayesian Regression
- Gelman Schools and Hierarchical Pathology
- Gelman Schools Theory for Topics about Restaurants
- The normal model
- The normal model with pymc
- Priors
- From the normal model to regression
- Wrongly combining rejection with sampling
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
out-of-sample error
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
parametric model
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
partial pooling
plug-in approximation
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
poisson distribution
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Sampling from a discrete distribution
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
poisson regression
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
- Generalized Linear Models
- Poisson and 0-inflated
- Bayesian Workflow in the 0-inflated model
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Box's Loop
- Inference for GPs
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
posterior predictive
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Inference for GPs
- Geographic Correlation and Oceanic Tools
- Prosocial Chimps
- Model checking
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Inference for GPs
- Regression with custom priors
probabilistic modeling
- Divergence and Deviance
- Box's Loop
- The Idea of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Expectations and the Law of Large Numbers
- Probability
probability rules
proposal matrix
- Sampling from a discrete distribution
- Inference for GPs
- Marginalizing over Discretes
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- The normal model with pymc
- From the normal model to regression
pymc3 potentials
random variables
rat tumors
- The idea behind the GP
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Bayesian Regression
- Lab 7 - Bayesian inference with PyMC3.
- Inference for GPs
- Generalized Linear Models
- Poisson and 0-inflated
- Bayesian Workflow in the 0-inflated model
- From the normal model to regression
- Regression with custom priors
rejection sampling
- Wrongly combining rejection with sampling
- Basic Monte Carlo
- Rejection Sampling
rejection sampling on steroids
representer theorem
- Gaussian Processes and 'Non-parametric' Bayes
- Regularization
- Unidentifiability, the ridge, and the lasso
- Wrongly combining rejection with sampling
- Sampling and the Central Limit Theorem
- Basic Monte Carlo
- Importance Sampling
- The Inverse Transform
- Rejection Sampling
sampling and priors
sampling as marginalization
- The beta-binomial model of globe-tossing
sampling distribution
- Sampling and the Central Limit Theorem
- Frequentist Stats
- Gelman Schools and Hierarchical Pathology
- Gelman Schools Theory for Topics about Restaurants
- Learning a model
- Noisy Learning
sampling distribution of variance
- Sampling and the Central Limit Theorem
semi-supervised learning
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- Mixture Models, and types of learning
simulated annealing
slice sampling
standard error
- Sampling and the Central Limit Theorem
- Markov Chains and MCMC
- From Annealing To Metropolis
statistical mechanics
- Entropy
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
- Simulated Annealing
- Convergence and Coverage
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
stochastic noise
- Stratification for Variance Reduction
- Stratification Example
sufficient statistics
- Sufficient Statistics and Exchangeability
supervised learning
- Classification Risk
- Machine learning- ERM and Bayesian
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- Mixture Models, and types of learning
- Imputation and Convergence
test error
- Learning bounds and the Test set
- Why do we need validation?
test statistic
testing set
- Learning bounds and the Test set
- Why do we need validation?
training error
training set
- The EM algorithm
- Learning bounds and the Test set
- Why do we need validation?
transition distribution
- Exploring Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- L, epsilon, and other tweaking
transition matrix
travelling salesman problem
true-belief model
- Utility or Risk - Back to optimization
type-2 mle
- Distributions example - elections
- Distributions
- Monte Carlo Integrals
- Regression with custom priors
unsupervised learning
- Types of learning and MCMC
- Mixtures and MCMC
- Mixture Models, and types of learning
validation error
- Why do we need validation?
variance reduction
- Stratification for Variance Reduction
- Stratification Example
variational inference
varying intercept
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Prosocial Chimps
- Poisson Regression - tools on islands part 2
- Model Comparison continued
- Model Comparison
- Poisson and 0-inflated
- Bayesian Workflow in the 0-inflated model