Keywords: sampling |  mcmc |  metropolis |  rejection sampling |  normalization |  metropolis-hastings |  Download Notebook



%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import scipy as  sp
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
import seaborn.apionly as sns

As a simple example, lets target Gamma(2,1) or $xe^{-x}, x \gt 0$.

target = lambda x: x*np.exp(-x)
xx = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)
plt.plot(xx, target(xx));


Using Metropolis to sample

Here, copied from before, is the metropolis code.

def metropolis(p, qdraw, nsamp, xinit):
    x_prev = xinit
    for i in range(nsamp):
        x_star = qdraw(x_prev)
        p_star = p(x_star)
        p_prev = p(x_prev)
        pdfratio = p_star/p_prev
        if np.random.uniform() < min(1, pdfratio):
            samples[i] = x_star
            x_prev = x_star
        else:#we always get a sample
            samples[i]= x_prev
    return samples

def prop(x):
    return np.random.normal(x, 1.0)
out = metropolis(target, prop, 100000, 1.0)
plt.plot(xx, target(xx));


Since we use the functional form directly without checking for $x \gt 0$, we are not sampling on the correct support. This does not land up costing us, as the acceptance ratio being negative the first time we sample a negative $x$ will ensure that we never sample a negative $x$. We would be better using scipy.stats built in gamma support.

We have seen this before, in sampling from a weibull using a normal as well. Also from sampling from a function only defined on [0,1]. Some people consider the lax use of a larger-support proposal a bug. But it does not bite us anywhere but efficiency due to the mechanism of the acceptance ratio.

Let us see what this lack of efficiency is:

def metropolis_instrument(p, qdraw, nsamp, xinit):
    x_prev = xinit
    acc1 = 0
    rej_neg = 0
    for i in range(nsamp):
        x_star = qdraw(x_prev)
        p_star = p(x_star)
        p_prev = p(x_prev)
        pdfratio = p_star/p_prev
        if np.random.uniform() < min(1, pdfratio):
            samples[i] = x_star
            x_prev = x_star
            acc1 += 1
        else:#we always get a sample
            if x_star < 0:
                rej_neg += 1
            samples[i]= x_prev
    return samples, acc1, rej_neg
out2, a1, rn = out = metropolis_instrument(target, prop, 100000, 1.0)
a1/100000, rn/(100000 - a1)
(0.7298, 0.3654700222057735)

Thus, out of a 73% acceptance, a full 36% is wasted on proposing negatives.

A wrong built-in regection sampler

You might think that simply rejecting is ok, but you would be wrong. You are then sampling from some other distribution.

def metropolis_broken(p, qdraw, nsamp, xinit):
    x_prev = xinit
    for i in range(nsamp):
        while 1:
            x_star = qdraw(x_prev)
            if x_star > 0:
        p_star = p(x_star)
        p_prev = p(x_prev)
        pdfratio = p_star/p_prev
        if np.random.uniform() < min(1, pdfratio):
            samples[i] = x_star
            x_prev = x_star
        else:#we always get a sample
            samples[i]= x_prev
    return samples

out3 = metropolis_broken(target, prop, 100000, 1.0)
plt.plot(xx, target(xx));


Fix using MH

To fix this use Metropolis-Hastings instead and sample from a distribution eith the correct support, a truncated normal. Since the truncated normal is not symmetric:

we must use a MH Sampler

def metropolis_hastings(p,q, qdraw, nsamp, xinit):
    x_prev = xinit
    for i in range(nsamp):
        while 1:
            x_star = qdraw(x_prev)
            if x_star > 0:
        p_star = p(x_star)
        p_prev = p(x_prev)
        pdfratio = p_star/p_prev
        proposalratio = q(x_prev, x_star)/q(x_star, x_prev)
        if np.random.uniform() < min(1, pdfratio*proposalratio):
            samples[i] = x_star
            x_prev = x_star
            accepted +=1
        else:#we always get a sample
            samples[i]= x_prev
    return samples, accepted
from scipy.stats import norm
def prop2(x):
    return x + np.random.normal()
def q(x_prev, x_star):
    num = norm.cdf(x_prev)
    return num
out4, _ = metropolis_hastings(target, q, prop2, 100000, 1.0)

Now we get the correct output!

plt.plot(xx, target(xx));
